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ZFS Replication

Created Monday 06 May 2024

Sanoid Syncoid

REF: https://github.com/jimsalterjrs/sanoid

This is great but snapshot format can't be changed


REF: https://github.com/oetiker/znapzend/tree/master
REF: https://www.znapzend.org/

Sounds promising but does not have a config file instead it saves config in the volume itself. This has advantages and disadvantages.

The snapshot format is configurable and the snapshot can be renamed and it will still retain the configuration and snap history.

List of alternatives

REF: https://anarc.at/software/zfs/

Suite Open Source CV4 - opensource proxmox tools

This is a suit of opensource tools that I stumbled on to by an Italian mob. Of interest is a tool to schedule automatic snapshots.

REF: https://corsinvest.it/suite-cv4-pve-opensource-proxmox-ve-ceph/